
Ellen Kumata Featured on Harvard ManageMentor®

One of the early fruits of our partnership with Harvard Business Publishing is a series of videos of Cambria Managing Director Ellen Kumata, offered in their flagship product, Harvard ManageMentor. Harvard ManageMentor is designed to be a practical, engaging resource for fostering management skills and helping new and experienced managers address a full spectrum of issues, with mentoring provided by renowned authors, practitioners, and innovative thinkers.

In the first of three videos, “Importance of a Learning Culture,” Ellen describes a time when she coached a CEO on how to lead an organizational shift toward a culture that valued continuous learning and openness. In the second video, “Coachee Engagement,” she describes some of the issues that arise when the recipient of executive coaching is not fully supportive of or committed to the engagement. In the third video, “Tips on Managing Meetings,” Ellen describes some lessons learned from executive coaching she has applied to her managing partner role at Cambria.

The following videos are part of this program.

  • Importance of a Learning Culture
    Ellen Kumata describes a CEO executive coaching engagement and how this CEO used this opportunity to effectively communicate company values on the importance of continuous learning.
  • Tips on Managing Meetings
    Ellen Kumata describes some lessons learned from executive coaching she has applied to her managing partner role at Cambria.
  • Coachee Engagement
    Ellen Kumata describes the issues that arise when the recipient of executive coaching isn’t fully supportive of the coaching engagement.
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